Fallout: New California

Sgt. Dale Norman is a character in Fallout: New California


Sergeant Dale Norman is a Wasteland Scout for Vault 18. He has written two reports on Tier 2, Terminal 4, and one on Tier 3, Terminal 2. He was part of the patrols who located the orphaned children and brought them to the vault. He also was part of the mission, and recommended, to bring John Bragg and Chevy Bragg into Vault 18, as indicated on Tier 3, Terminal 1.

According to Tier 3, Terminal 2, he and Yetti Hail (Jenn Hail's father) where captured and subjected to a Mesmetron, causing them to reveal the location of Vault 18 to a band of aggressive prospectors. Dr. Miyaki Kyoto and Dr. Rossman stopped the attack on the vault using a satellite-based weapon. Dr. Kyoto died during this mission. Dale Norman's name, along with Dr. Rossman and Yetti Hail's names, is on the farewell note found in Dr. Kyoto's condo.

Chevy Bragg tells you that Dr. Rossman is one of the people in charge of the Wasteland Scouts and Dale Norman assigns and leads the missions.


Sergeant Norman can be located in the Upper Apartments during Save The Vault, defending the area. Speaking with him progresses the quest.


  • 10 mm Round
  • Case, 10 mm
  • Police Baton
  • Vault 18 Hydroponics Lab Key

